Experiencing Vertigo, Dizziness, or Fainting in Omaha NE?

chiropractic care helps patients with vertigo

Vertigo can literally turn your life upside down. Many people with vertigo seek out a Omaha NE chiropractor and find a great deal of improvement in their condition. It is a condition marked by dizziness, and living with it makes even the simplest functions of day-to-day living a struggle. Many people find it difficult to get information about what exactly is causing their vertigo, and therefore, what the best available treatments are. This article will hopefully help you to understand the common causes of Vertigo as well as explain how chiropractic treatment can help you to find relief.

Vertigo Treatment In Omaha NE

Before we get into talking about the causes of vertigo, let’s go over some of the most common symptoms to help you determine if this is what you are dealing with. Two different kinds of dizziness are often assumed to be Vertigo. Sometimes people say that they feel dizzy when they actually mean that they feel like they are going to pass out or faint.

Others say they feel dizzy when they perceive objects around them spinning and moving. Vertigo is a medical term that is used to describe the second situation. It is important to differentiate between the two sensations because each has a different set of causes and appropriate treatments.

Vertigo can range from a small nuisance to an indication of a severe underlying condition. Contrary to popular belief, dizziness is not the only symptom associated with this disorder. Some of the symptoms of vertigo that commonly accompany dizziness are:

  • Blurry vision or difficulty focusing
  • Problems hearing, especially in one ear
  • Ringing ears
  • Trouble maintaining balance
  • Feeling fatigued or tired all the time
  • Double vision

Causes Of Vertigo

As we already mentioned, there are a variety of different causes of vertigo. At times it can be caused by a severe underlying issue, therefore, it is of vital importance to be examined by a medical professional if you are experiencing symptoms. The following is a list of some of the most common causes of vertigo:

  • Severe headaches such as migraines or tension headaches
  • Chronic earaches or damage to the inner ear
  • A lack of blood flow to the brain
  • Car accidents result in damage to the joints and ligaments throughout the spine
  • Misalignments or subluxations of the vertebrae in the neck

As you can see, vertigo commonly starts with issues involving the head, inner ear, and spine. These areas play an important role in how the body orients itself and maintains balance. Vertigo commonly results from a disruption in the signals sent from the nerves of the spine to the brain. When signals that would normally keep us balanced become distorted and scrambled symptoms of dizziness can occur.

Chiropractic Care For Vertigo

At Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South, our chiropractor will perform an examination, take x-rays, and evaluate your posture to determine the cause of your dizziness/ vertigo/ fainting. After comparing the findings and confirming the diagnosis, our chiropractor will develop a treatment plan to help alleviate your symptoms, heal the pain, and provide you with recommendations to lower your risk for possible re-occurrences.

  • Spinal Adjustments - Our doctor will realign the vertebrae in the affected area to increase your range of motion and alleviate the pain on the spinal nerves. We will focus on the imbalanced zone(s) connected to your case and begin treatment from there. We may include the Hallpike maneuver during adjustments, allowing him to reposition any dislodged crystals into the proper inner ear tubules. Symptoms resulting from dizziness, vertigo or fainting, from other nerves in the affected area, may begin to decrease as well.
  • Intersegmental Traction - Intersegmental traction involves the use of a special chiropractic table. This specific table includes rollers that will roll along the sides of the spinal column, allowing blood to flow through the tight muscles and ligaments. As this occurs, the muscles and ligaments loosen up and relax more; in addition, your spine will become more mobile.
  • Acupuncture - Electro-therapy, or acupuncture, is effective with dizziness/ vertigo/ fainting. This is achieved through targeting certain acupuncture points during treatment, as well as an electro-muscle stimulator during therapy. Patients will notice, after several treatments, the pain in the injured area(s) begin to decrease. In addition, they will start to see more mobility come back to their spine and other affected areas of the body.
  • Lifestyle Advice - With any injury, whether to the back, neck, or extremity, the last thing you want to do is make the pain worse. The same idea applies to handling cases of dizziness, fainting and/or vertigo. Our advice is designed to help you perform everyday tasks and responsibilities safely. This does include suggestions to improving your diet, drinking plenty of water and fluids, and exercising. At Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South, we focus on healing and relief from dizziness, vertigo or fainting, not aggravating it.

Chiropractic treatment is a gentle and safe approach to overcoming many of the causes of Vertigo. A chiropractic treatment begins with a thorough evaluation that will determine the exact cause of your vertigo and the most appropriate treatment methods. Many people find that the adjustments they receive from their chiropractor are all that it takes to stabilize the nervous system function and completely cure their vertigo.

To get started with chiropractic care for your dizziness/ vertigo or fainting, choose our Omaha, NE chiropractor today. Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South is currently accepting new patients of all ages. Call our office today. When it comes to dizziness, vertigo and/or fainting, get relief NOW & FAST.


9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:30am - 12:30pm


Saturday & Sunday

Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South

12411 W Center Rd Ste 105
Omaha, NE 68144

(402) 505-4414