Zone Technique Chiropractor in Omaha NE

At Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South, we use many techniques to adjust patients in Omaha NE, including one called Zone Technique. Dr. Thurman Fleet (1895-1983) was an amazing chiropractor who practiced in San Antonio. In 1931, Dr. Fleet created Zone Therapy. He taught many doctors during his 50 years of teaching. Four of his students would go on to teach other chiropractors about Zone Therapy. One of those chiropractors ended up being Dr. Peter Goldman.
Dr. Goldman combined what he learned from those teachers along with his years of study. As a result, Dr. Goldman created of his own technique and teachings called the Zone Technique. Dr. Robert Nilles studied under Dr. Peter Goldman of The Zone School of Healing. Certified in Zone Technique, Dr. Nilles is uniquely qualified.
Dr. Jordyn Davis from our Southern location, learned the Zone Technique from her father, Dr. Nilles. This technique is very different, compared to other chiropractic techniques. It allows the doctor to treat virtually all medical conditions by working with the patient's Body, Mind, and Spirit. Based on the condition, Dr. Davis can detect which zone is out of balance.
Dr. Thurman Fleet
Dr. Thurman Fleet taught the following:
"There are only six kinds of disturbances that can affect the human body. These are 1-GLANDULAR, 2-ELIMINATIVE, 3-NERVOUS, 4-DIGESTIVE, 5-MUSCULAR, and 6-CIRCULATORY. Any and all disease conditions, aches and pains, and other discomforts experienced by the body can be placed into one or more of the body's 6 systems or Zones.
As we all know, the body is classified as an ELECTRICAL MACHINE. The brain centers represent the POSITIVE pole, and the 6 specific points in the spinal cord represent the NEGATIVE pole. When there is a disturbance in any of the bodily areas, one or more of these centers are shorted out or out of balance."
Zone Certified in Omaha NE
When the body experiences stress, that stress disrupts the normal function of one or more of these circuits. It is a bit like a circuit that shorts out. This shorted circuit causes symptoms like headaches and pain, all the way to depression, insomnia, indigestion, and many more.
A certified zone chiropractor, like Dr. Nilles & Dr. Davis, examine the patient to determine which of the brain centers is not in balance. This is done by feeling specific points on the back of the patient's head. Those points connect to the six brain centers of the body. If a brain center is not sending the proper signals, all body functions associated with that system slow down. In order to correct this, Dr. Davis resets the brain center by adjusting certain points along the spine. The brain center then restarts healing that system.
The Zones
- Increase memory, energy, sleep, and relaxation
- Regulate the immune system and hormonal system
- Thyroid, pineal, and pituitary gland care
- Regulate appetite
- Strengthen lung, kidney, and bladder function
- Regulate colon & bowel movements
- Clear sinuses, nasal passages, and bronchial tubes
- Eliminate bloating and bodily toxins
- Improve mood & sleep
- Eye and ear health
- Balance the hormonal system
- Increase energy, remain calm and relaxed
- Normalize weight
- Normalize sense of taste
- Maintain healthy liver, intestines, and gall bladder
- Digest foods that were previously agitating
- Boost energy
- Restore proper range of motion and movement
- Improve muscle recovery and strength
- Improve suppleness and flexibility
- Re-establish center of gravity
- Eliminate dizziness
- Heart health
- Normalize blood pressure
- Healthy blood vessels
- Proper circulation
Contact Our Omaha Chiropractor
If you have any pain, and you want professional advice and treatment, then Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South is your answer. Schedule an appointment with Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South of Omaha, NE, today! Let us help you get relief from your pain, and feel better, right away.
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South
12411 W Center Rd Ste 105
Omaha, NE 68144