Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment in Omaha NE

When you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), it may feel like you are the only one dealing with the pain. In truth, IBS is more common than you think. Worldwide, it affects 10-15% of the entire population, or roughly 55 million people. Due to the pain from your digestive system, daily life can feel rather frustrating to do.
Our team at Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South are experts when it comes to IBS and its symptoms in Omaha NE.
IBS vs IBD in Omaha NE
"Now wait, Doc. You're saying that IBS is different from IBD?"
The answer is yes. Many think IBS and IBD are the same, due to similarities in symptoms and unknown causes. Irritable bowel symptoms include:
- Abdominal pain or cramping
- Diarrhea and constipation
- Nausea and/or vomiting
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a painful digestive problem in the intestinal tract, primarily in the large intestine. Additional symptoms include changes in bowel movement, feeling bloated, and increased urinary frequency and urgency. Aside from these, IBS doesn't cause any further damage to the intestine. For some patients, the pain is temporary. Others, though, feel severe pain and stress, to the point it is impossible to do anything. Patients can manage IBS with lifestyle changes, such as diet and reducing stress.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is an inflammatory condition in both the small and large intestines. The two most common types mentioned are ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease. Furthermore, serious symptoms such as ulcers, anemia, and rectal bleeding are present. Ulcers are troubling since they can appear anywhere in the digestive system, even in the mouth. Compared to IBS, cases involving IBD are quite serious.
Causes of IBS
Like many other conditions, there is no clear evidence behind what causes IBS. It can be the result of food, stress, and/or improper nerve communication.
- Diet - IBS is experienced differently per person; the same applies to their diet. Certain foods can bring on IBS, which leads to certain symptoms. Processed foods, refined grains, carbonated drinks, and dairy products can lead to, and worsen, IBS-related constipation. Cases of IBS-related diarrhea may result from eating too much fiber, large meals, fried and fatty foods, and from dairy or wheat intolerances. Patients learned to change their diets accordingly, whether to drink more water or eat smaller portions.
- Stress (physical/ mental/ emotional) - Stress is another possible cause of IBS. The more stress a patient has, whether physical, mental, or emotional, this can also worsen the condition. Being anxious and stressed comes from a variety of sources, such as work, problems at home, and financial problems. Even feeling a sense of lacking control over life can be problematic. With this, it wouldn't be surprising if a person's diet changes, negatively, and they are having trouble sleeping. Therefore, it is important to maintain a well-balanced diet, get enough sleep, exercise when possible, and have hobbies to alleviate some of that stress.
- Improper Nerve Communication - When the body experiences any stress, it becomes an internal trigger. This is especially the case with any stress on the spine, which can cause miscommunication between the nerves and organs. Any sort of nerve interference leads to complications, such as IBS, that can make daily life difficult. Proper communication between the nerves, the brain, and the rest of the body is essential for us to perform any activity well. It is important to address the cause behind any dysfunctions, too; in this case, it is important to see if any nerves are off-line in the body.
Natural Remedies for IBS
Chiropractic care has proven effective in cases regarding IBS, becoming one of the best natural remedies for this condition. When you are suffering from IBS, there is miscommunication within the body; more specifically, with the body's Zones 2 and 4.
Zone 2: The Elimination Zone
Zone 2 is the body's elimination zone, consisting of the lungs, stomach, and intestines. This Zone focuses on flushing out any harmful substances in the body. When this zone can't function properly, the body might not know how to get rid of those substances. The causes behind this malfunction may be stress on the spine or dietary choices. Stress on the spine leads to miscommunication between the brain and the intestines. With diet, the most common food triggers for IBS include dairy, processed foods, and carbonated drinks. Even chocolate! As such, along with regular chiropractic adjustments, patients should alter their meals to include more fiber and water, as well as eat smaller portions.
Zone 4: The Digestive Zone
Zone 4 is the body's digestive zone, the system responsible for processing food and supplying energy. Moreover, this Zone works well with Zone 2, allowing the body to digest and absorb good energy while getting rid of bad substances. So, when both zones function improperly, patients can experience IBS, whether it is from eating something or simply feeling sick. As mentioned earlier, food triggers such as processed foods and carbonated drinks can greatly affect the body; i.e., cause IBS. This is why patients need to modify their diet choices. By including food high in fiber, along with drinking more water, patients can feel more energetic and healthier. Seeing the chiropractor regularly helps, too.
Zone 3: The Nervous Zone
Another zone that can cause IBS is Zone 3, the body's nervous system. Every muscle, tissue, and organ has nerves connecting back to the brain. Because of this, when there is an imbalance in this zone, improper nerve communication occurs. In regards to IBS, signals from the brain may not reach the intestines and vice versa. This can also result in patients feeling bloated, nauseous, and experiencing cramps. Experiencing abdominal pain is another symptom of an imbalance in this zone. In short, seeking chiropractic care can help alleviate that pain, along with correcting that nerve communication.
Overall, IBS can result from an imbalance in any of these zones; sometimes, it is a combination of all three! The main priority is the patient's health, without having to resort to surgery or multiple medications.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment
At Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South, our chiropractor will perform an examination, take x-rays, and evaluate your posture to determine the cause of IBS, in relation to the spine. After comparing the findings and confirming the diagnosis, our chiropractor will develop a treatment plan to help alleviate your symptoms, heal the pain, and provide you with recommendations to lower your risk for possible re-occurrences.
- Spinal Adjustments - Our doctor will realign the vertebrae in the affected area to increase your range of motion and alleviate the pain in the spinal nerves. Realigning the vertebrae will improve communication between the nerves to the rest of the body; in this case, to the nerves connected to your stomach and surrounding organs. Symptoms resulting from the pain, from other nerves in the affected area, may begin to decrease as well.
- Intersegmental Traction - Intersegmental traction involves the use of a special chiropractic table. This specific table includes rollers that will roll along the sides of the spinal column, allowing blood to flow through the tight muscles and ligaments. As this occurs, the muscles and ligaments loosen up and relax more; in addition, your spine will become more mobile. This type of treatment is effective in alleviating pain from IBS.
- Acupuncture - Electro-therapy, or acupuncture, is effective with IBS and its symptoms. Patients will notice, after several treatments, the pain in their back and shoulder(s) begins to decrease. In addition, they will start to see more mobility come back to their spine and other affected areas of the body.
- Lifestyle Advice - With any injury, whether to the back, neck, or extremities, the last thing you want to do is make the pain worse. The same idea applies to handling IBS. Our advice is designed to help you perform everyday tasks and responsibilities safely. We focus on healing and relief from IBS, not aggravating it further.
Contact Our Omaha Chiropractor for IBS
To get started with chiropractic care for your Irritable Bowel Syndrome, choose our Omaha, NE chiropractor today. Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South is currently accepting new patients of all ages. Call our office today. When it comes to IBS treatment get relief NOW & FAST.
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South
12411 W Center Rd Ste 105
Omaha, NE 68144