Many people do not have a strong grasp on exactly what chiropractic care and what benefits it offers. This lack of knowledge prevents you from seeking treatment. Chiropractic is pain-relieving and life-changing. It’s as normal as you can get. This healing art has been around for over 100 years. In short, chiropractic care provides a drug-free alternative to healthcare and rehabilitation. We believe that if we allow your body and your mind to know what’s wrong than it will heal itself. We believe that it starts with the body-mind-soul connection.
Our staff at Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South wants you to know the details of chiropractic care in Omaha NE. Then you can understand all of the benefits of our holistic approach to care.
What Is Chiropractic Care in Omaha NE?
Chiropractic care is a holistic approach to healing the body. A chiropractor uses their hands to apply pressure to areas where there is pain and inflammation. This brings the joint back to its normal position. The result is easier movement. The result is the body functioning as it should. You want to just feel better. We want more. We want you to feel like your should on the best day of your life.
Chiropractors focus on their patient’s health. Understanding the patient’s medical history is important – actually the most important. Knowing what the patient is suffering from helps the chiropractor understand any health limitations the patient is experiencing.
The most common conditions chiropractors help with are back pain, sciatica, and auto accident or work injuries. Chiropractors can help with multiple types of health conditions. Chiropractic care has shown positive results with cases of acid reflux, bedwetting, pregnancy pains, and senior care.
How Chiropractors Use X-Rays
Pain and inflammation is caused by spinal misalignments and pinched nerves. To help this, Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South will have digital x-rays taken to determine the causes behind a patient’s pain. X-rays also provide clues to any past injuries, health concerns, and how chiropractors can begin treatment. Any spinal misalignments can be brought back into their proper positions.

Chiropractic care is non-invasive that means NO surgery. A few gentle manipulations of the spine can make your pain to literally disappear.
Other health benefits…
Chiropractors provide lifestyle advice to help patients heal. Modifying your diet, exercise routine, and other lifestyle choices are just a few benefits chiropractic care offers its patients.
Chiropractic Care Myths Debunked
Chiropractic care is a popular and alternative method to staying healthy. Many people question whether it is an option for them or not.
One question people ask is if chiropractors are actual doctors. The answer is yes, chiropractors are doctors. Chiropractors receive 6-8 years of education. This education involves learning about neurology, nutrition, prenatal and pediatric care. Chiropractors are required to pass board exams, do clinical residencies, and be licensed in the state they are practicing in. Chiropractors hold a medical designation called DC (Doctor of Chiropractic). So YEP we are doctors!
With that, let’s discuss some other common myths about chiropractic care, and we will provide you the correct answers to each.
1. Chiropractic is expensive.
A single day at the hospital ER costs well over $4000-$6000. Surgeries for back pain cost well over $60,000 – $100,000. The average chiropractic case is less than $1600. In other words, it’s a bargain!! And in over 92% of our cases – our patients are healed.
2. Chiropractic is painful.
When patients have acute pain, their muscles are splinting. To gain range of motion, sometimes the muscles need to stretch. This action might create some tenderness. We strive for gentle manipulations. We want all adjustments to be pain-free. Dr. Davis can use many different techniques. Some patients say “I want to feel and hear that bone move.” Some patients say “please don’t crack me”. Dr. Davis wants RESULTS but not pain.
3. I don’t need a chiropractor. I can have a friend pop my back.
Some people think they can get adjusted by having someone walk on their back. Please DO NOT do this. Your spine is an intricate system of nerves. Those nerves can be damaged in the hands of an untrained “helper”. It is better to see a chiropractor than to have someone walking all over your back. Or having them lift you up. Or even using the dreaded Y-strap. I’m not even sure the “Y-Strap” is taught in a chiropractic school. Chiropractic is like brain surgery – would you let your friend do it?
4. It just lessens or eliminates the pain; nothing else.
Patients receive many health benefits from chiropractic care, besides getting rid of pain. Chiropractic care helps improve your body’s nervous system and alleviate migraines. It also lowers depression and anxiety as well. Additionally, chiropractors provide advice on nutrition and regular exercise you can do at home.
5. Chiropractic care doesn’t help with auto accident and work injuries.
Chiropractic care does great with auto accident and work injury cases. The problem is patients wait until they feel pain afterwards. They don’t go to the chiropractor right after the incident. Regardless, patients involved in auto accidents or injured while working benefit from seeing a chiropractor.
6. It’s a “religious” belief. “I don’t believe in Chiropractic.”
Chiropractic is not a religion. It is a healing art. It is a science that is proven and accepted by all insurance companies. Instead of using invasive medical options, chiropractic care includes the body, mind, and spirit to help the body heal. Our patients are babies as well and I don’t know about you but they don’t care about religion and they DO get better.
7. It’s only for adults. My baby doesn’t need chiropractic.
Chiropractic care is for all patients, young and old. Expecting mothers benefit from prenatal care. Children and teens receive pediatric care. Even senior patients feel great after visiting the chiropractor. Everyone can receive chiropractic care and everyone deserves chiropractic care. And they can feel positive changes in their health after a few visits.
Consult Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South
Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South of Omaha is the best choice for your general health. Our goal is to provide you with a pain-free life, without drugs or surgery. We treat auto injury patients, pediatric care, senior care and assist with pregnancy care. Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South is a family chiropractor office, which includes treating your children and infants. We want to be your chiropractor in Omaha!
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Diamond Chiropractic Omaha South
12411 W Center Rd Ste 105
Omaha, NE 68144